Prevention & Screening
Cancer can be most effectively treated if caught early, making cancer screenings very important and one of the best ways of detections.
There are various forms of cancer screenings offered at CBCC and often at no cost during specified periods in the year. Click below to learn about the various dates, eligibility requirements and important information regarding each screening.
List of suggestions to be prepared ahead of a cancer screening or doctor’s visit.
- Identify any symptoms you want to discuss.
- Know your insurance carrier and what plan you have.
- Bring a list of current medications.
- Know your family’s cancer history: who is affected, what types of cancer, and when they were diagnosed.
- Explore screening and testing options.
- Verify insurance coverage before testing is done.
List of questions to ask your doctor:
- What can I do to lower my risk of cancer?
- What are the side effects of this treatment?
- Is this sample going to be tested for genetic changes? (if biopsy is done)
- Should I get genetic testing?
- What plans can I make now, in case I am diagnosed with cancer?